Legoland and Sealife Aquarium - #KidReporter Reports !
It's Perfect !
Well according to my 73 year old dad and 6.5 year old daughter, Legoland is "just perfect" .
We arrived at the main gate of Legoland about 12:45p on Thursday - it was about 80 deg. Whats great about Carlsbad, the breeze, that is constant.
My dad has never been to Legoland and was super excited to just go check it out and see what all the kids love about it so much !
As we approached the turnstiles my daughter asked if we could do Sealife first since she remembered that the earlier we go the better the chances are to catch a feeding or more active sea life !
There is a questionnaire that you can answer as you go through the aquarium that asks related questions to where you are at with in each part of it. Once you answer them all you can turn it in for a sticker Sealife Expert and a Sealife Card in the gift shop at the register !
They have newly opened the JELLYFISH Discovery area - between the lights, glow and actual Jellyfish we were having a great time watching these creatures swim around !

Up next - Touch and Feel .. who doesn't like to get hands on with Sealife !?!?
My Kid Reporter was asking all the right questions to get information on the tide pool Sealife and was using the "two finger" touch preferred method to get hands on !
"its awesome to feel this Anemone ?! - is that what the clown fish like Nemos family lives in ?!" #kidreporter Zoe asking about Sea Anemone's in the touch pond !
We got stuck at the Ray Reef where they have just added a few new and larger ones ! Amazing and so beautiful !
On our way out to finish up we stopped by Poseidon and the ship ruins....
Amazed that we spent only an hour dong all of this we started to head to the last room towards the exit of the Sealife Aquarium so that we could make our way into Legoland Park . (by the way if you have access to both, there is a side entrance and exit that joins the two parks for easy entry and re entry to each if wanted to go back and forth... you know for some AC and shade on a hot day.. wink wink)
The last room had a donation bin where we naturally wanted to give a few dollars to help keep Sea Life research and improvements going...
Oh Did i mention on our way out there was another touch stand set up with a more Sealife to touch and feel ! Here is a picture of a Shark Pod - that holds the Shark Egg . Wow how cool is that !
WHAT to do next ?! We jam into Legoland Park with smiles on our faces.. I mean what is better than taking my dad and daughter for some fun .. now will my 73yo father be able to ride the rides and walk the walk for the rest of the day ? The park doesn't close until 8 and its only 2pm ...
"What is that ride where you pedal around and see whats below?" My dad is asking after he gets off the Safari Trek Ride with my kiddo.
Oh perfect he wants to ride the Sky Cruiser (my nerve on left side was acting up so that is just perfect for me too) .
A ride through Fairy Tale Brook - my dad thought it looked "So cute and little" .
Heading over to the Sky Cruiser we stopped off in Fun Town so that my daughter could take a drive on her own on Driving School !
The Kid Power Towers gave them both a work out but they both a work out that was manageable for young and older to enjoy racing to the top and screaming on the way down !
The Sky Cruiser had a bit of a wait but well worth it to get them to enjoy another ride they would both love !
The ride operator was suggesting to other guests that the best time to get on this one is early or late.
Over in Fun Town they attended Skipper School - well a few bumps and splashes later they were back at port !
NOSTALGIA kicks in for my dad as he sees the control your boats in the Miniland Marina. He used to do this with my brother and I at every opportunity he got ! We loved it ! So did my daughter and guess what.. so did I Love watching them relive "our" youth . Perfect moment for us all right there ...

You have to take picutes in MINILAND !
Star Wars comes to LegoLife !
Here is one of my most favorite pics of the two of them all day !
My Dad is a HUGE Medieval era FANATIC ! He loved seeing all the Master Builder Surprises in Castle Hill !
Young and Older Rock the Dragon !
It is now 6pm and we have made a loop around Legoland hitting up all the rides my daughter wanted her "Papou" to make sure he got on ! Love them !
Do we leave.. no no no not yet ! Why leave the park when CHILDREN EAT FREE from now until August 23rd 2014 - After 5pm ! You can take advantage of this at multiple locations : Pizza Pasta Buffet, Fun Town Market, Garden Restaurant, Knights' Table Barbecue and Wok N' Bowl Ramen (this is where we ate and it is a lot of food !)
My dad and I shared the Ramen Noodles with Chicken and Veggies and my daughter ate super yummy chicken and rice for free ! And the kids meal comes with a drink, the main dish and fruit or a small side like raisins, so you cant beat that for a cheap and yummy break at end of day !

It's now 6:45pm and we have full bellies and content energy... but do we stop there.. NO - "we have time for a bit more", says my 73yo father who has been working himself up and down and on and off... Let's do whatever she wants to do !
So were off again, headed to finish up our amazing day winding down at the Sealife Aquarium once again .
One Stop I thought was extra SUPER cool was "Station 44" - it's almost like a baby, rescue, and sealife Hospital or Treatment Center, if you will :)
A sneak peek through the little window and you can sort of see a behind the scene look at what goes on there. I would love to get a tour of this little gem one day !
It's a wrap everyone ! It was a successful day filled with laughs, fun, grandpa and granddaughter memories and priceless time spent with my 73yo father.
A few things he (my 73 yo dad) said about the day :
* they got a lot of entertainment in less walking than other amusement parks
* there are rest sport with shade all over the place
* there was not one ride that he was uncomfortable on that he rode
* very family friendly for single mothers - he noticed a lot of single moms and dads that had not one but two kids with them and were getting around just fine
* I did not get as tired as i thought I would and there are a lot of opportunities to use the restroom
* each of the themed areas fit well with the whole lego enterprise in general
* Miniland was so realistic and had such detail I couldn't stop looking around
A few things my daughter said about the day :
* when are we coming back ?
* Papou got to ride everything he wanted to ride with me
* the apple fries are yummy
* I loved the touch pool and all the sea life
* We were here for 8 hours already ?
* I loved the live singing and dancing show - can I try out to be in it too ?
* my favorite part of the boat ride was seeing the presidents faces on the rocks !
* its nice how you can still get wet in Pirate area even if we are not doing the water park same day
* i love spending time showing Papou new things
I myself can say that it was perfect.. the whole day .. perfect. The park is totally perfect for young and older and lots of endless fun for both !
We totally suggest doing a hopper so that you can freely visit both Legoland and also the Sealife Aquarium as you like !
I wold love to stay on the property at the Legoland Hotel one day .. if I ever do, I will definitely blog on that in a heartbeat !
Thanks for reading and remember to Get On The Go Oc !
- OnTheGoOC
#legoland #sealifeaquarium #legolandhotel #familyfun #legomovie #OnTheGoOC #carlsbadfun #lovelegoland
**Next visit to Legoland, we plan to visit the water park and the new Chima addition to the water park and will blog about that too ! Stay tuned ....
Get OnTheGoOC !
**All Photos and comments are my own. I was not compensated for my blog review.**