Feel like you are part of the movie Frozen as it is performed on ice in front of your eyes!
As if we couldn't love Frozen any more than we already do... Feld Entertainment has topped itself with their production of Frozen On Ice!
With action, singing, ice skating and so much more the whole show captures the audience of all ages from start to finish, leaving you wanting it to never end.
A special treat, in the beginning of the show, all the princesses are on the ice! So magical and so Disney!
We sent our contributor team Melissa and Ava out to Staples Center to get all the scoop from the Blue Carpet and show itself!
Here are the top 4 favs of our lil Miss. Ava, guest kid blogger:
* The Ice Skating, tricks, twirls and twists
* Loved Anna and Elsa and how they sang so clear and beautiful
* Favorite monster Marshmallow made the biggest scare and brought the most fun to the ice.
* Variety of gifts to buy and souvenirs to get from tee shirts to glowing wands.
One of everything please and thank you! |
What my awesome guest contributor Melissa loved as the parent in charge hehee:
* Interaction of the show - Felt as if you were watching the movie live!
* The singing was amazing especially singing along with your little one to all the songs you play over and over again at home, in the car, well everywhere!
* The whole show was humorous and entertaining. Very heartwarming.
* All the costumes and scenes were on point. There is a scene where they are running away from the wolves and it felt like you were right in the middle of all the action.
* Definitely a highlight where everyone got excited - When Kristoff did a couple flips. You heard clapping and cheering the whole time!
"Awesome show! Definitely delivered for sure!" - Martinez Girls
Ava and cousin showing us their Frozen Outfits! |
My daughter and I get to see the show next week. We will be attending the performance at the Honda center! Tickets are still on sale - show dates and details are below and you can also get all the details at www.DisneyOnIce.com/FROZEN
Wednesday, December 9 7:30 PM
Thursday, December 10 3:00 PM & 7:30 PM
Friday, December 11 11:30 AM & 7:30 PM
Saturday, December 12 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Sunday, December 13 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Monday, December 14 7:30 PM
Wednesday, December 16 7:30 PM
Thursday, December 17 10:30 AM & 7:30 PM
Friday, December 18 1:30 PM & 7:30 PM
Saturday, December 19 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Sunday, December 20 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Monday, December 21 3:00 PM & 7:30 PM
Wednesday, December 23 7:00 PM
Thursday, December 24 4:30 PM
Friday, December 25 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Saturday, December 26 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Sunday, December 27 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Tuesday, December 29 7:00 PM
Wednesday, December 30 7:00 PM
Thursday, December 31 4:30 PM
Friday, January 1 2:30 PM & 6:30 PM
Saturday, January 2 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Sunday, January 3 11:00 AM, 3:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Monday, January 4 7:00 PM
A show not to be missed, here are the remaining show times and dates and all the details you need to know to get tickets now!
Do you have Frozen Fever this winter? We so do!
Thank you to Disney On Ice and Feld Entertainment for the invite to attend, it was the best one we've seen so far! Awesome job!
Happy Winter
#Frozen #FrozenOnIce #FrozenFever #DisneysFrozen #StaplesCenter #HondaCenter #MustSee #IceSkating #Ice #Show #BestShow #DisneyOnIce #DisneySide #Disneyland60 #FamilyFun #Winter #OC #LA +Feld Entertainment