Baker Ranch is ready to unveil it's amazing community perks !
Come check out this beautiful place to live while enjoying some of the festivities that they have to offer for their EAT TOUR EXPLORE weekend !
" “Top Chef All-Stars” Winner, Richard Blais will perform a cooking demonstration featuring one of his creative and delicious recipes. There will also be free massages from Spa Gregorie’s, amazing food, parks to play at, and the opportunity to tour this beautiful new community. "
I am looking forward to checking out in depth what has sprouted up in my backward ! I can see the new homes from where I live now and am so eager to check out whats fresh and new !
My daughter has played soccer and we have played at the playgroud at Baker Ranch Community Park for a year now. I can not wait to see a closer look at it's entirety !
What I am most interested in checking out on the 21st is the plans they will share that include a virtual tour of the new planned "Promenade Park" - this will not only be a safe place to play but is said to be a great way for residents to get from one end of the community to the other.
Can't wait to see all the details around this master planned family living community and all the fashion that goes into these model homes !
For a girl that has lived in Lake Forest since 1984, this is a big deal !! So excited !
Just look at this picturesque scene ....
Did you know Richard has a cool new cookbook out ... Try This at Home: Recipes from My Head to Your Plate - I am looking forward to reading and re creating some yummy goodness !
Are you as excited as I am !? To kick off the Baker Ranch: Eat Tour Explore event, I was give an copy of Richard's new cookbook to give away ..and its autographed !!!!! I know, right !
Enter NOW for your chance to win :
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for entering and I hope to see you all there - taking a tour and enjoying the views of OC from Baker Ranch !
See all the details about Baker Ranch HERE !
See all the details about the Eat Tour Explore Grand Unveiling Event HERE
#LiveAtBakerRanch #BakerRanch #LakeForest #MasterPlannedCommunity #SoCal #OC #OCLife #LiveWithAView #BeautifulLiving #SellingNow #MoveInReady #NewHomes #SouthOC #RichardBlais #BravosTopChef #TopChef #Cookbook #Giveaway #OCMomBlogger #EnterToWin
*I was given seating at the event as well as signed copy of cookbook to giveaway on my blog. all opinions are my own.*#Spon