This pasta salad is quick, easy and more...
Happy Friday - This is one meal that you can do up or leave as is simply and fill everyone up. Best part, it is SUPER easy to get onto the table fast.
How to make it:
Boil your favorite pasta any shape any size, shapes and or colors too!
Let it cool.
Now comes the fun part...
* add any yummies you want into it. Peas, chicken, broccoli, cilantro, so many options
* add any yummies you want into it. Peas, chicken, broccoli, cilantro, so many options
* grab your most favorite dressing or make your own!
I used Greek and Italian dressings on this one but I have also used a mayo mix, a fresh lemon and garlic mix and many more. Get creative! !
I used Greek and Italian dressings on this one but I have also used a mayo mix, a fresh lemon and garlic mix and many more. Get creative! !
* mix it up and there you have it! Ready to go. Toss it in the fridge to chill it like I like it or just start eating ;)
Best part - my kiddo helped me make it!
Happy fast and tasty pasta creating!
Foodie Friday
Foodie Friday
#pasta #pastasalad #savor #taste #kidscooktoo #freshmeal #fastandeasy #peas #greens #onions #easydinners #easytomake #madefresh #LiveWell #eatyummy #diyfood #FastandEasy #Foodie #FoodatHome #FoodLove +Target
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