Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ice Princess Lily Movie Warmed Our Hearts This Winter - A Must See! #DirectTV #IcePrincessLily

Last weekend we were given the opportunity to visit ICE at Santa Monica in celebration of #IcePrincessLily movie on DirectTV & see the Premier!

Thanks DirectTV & Viva Kids Films for the amazing fun & super cute movie premiere invite. All opinions are our own.

We started out the festivities at Ice at Santa Monica for some ice skating just a few blocks from the beach.

The rink is outdoors and perfect for family time or a date night even. There was a lot of mixed ages out on the ice and different skating abilities!
Time for the movie! 

Ice Princess Lily... not to give spoilers but here goes a fun recap of how much we loved the movie.

Love all, be kind and stand up for the truth. This is what my kids took away from the movie. 

As a parent I loved watching my family enjoy a sweet, funny, quirky movie that brings together people & creatures of two worlds on the same planet. 

The Icelanders and the Greenlanders have heard some horrible things about one another but... is it all true?! Is any of it true?!

We are given the opportunity to connect and relate with the characters through the trials of acceptance, friendship and love. 

Mackenzie Ziegler is outstanding as the voice of Lily, she brings the sweet character to life with a unique connection to a pure heart. 

After the movie premiere we went back over to ice skate under the stars for a bit more!

Hot tip for ice skating... they have a main rink and a smaller one for younger kids too. Very helpful for my son until he was brave enough for the main rink.

The kids had fun seeing & meeting Isaak Presley & Mackenzie Ziegler!!

Make a family night of it and cuddle up while watching Ice Princess Lily on DirectTV this holiday season!

Get social with #IcePrincessLily @DIRECTV @VivaKidsFilms for fun too.

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