The last of the apples . An apple cinnamon tart with sugar crystal on top !Ok so this one I tossed together lol literally .. heat oven to 425..
I got the puff pastries frozen dough from freezer isle and I cut up 5 apples ..we like tart so I chose those last time I was in store .. cut peel and cook down apples on me with a half cup sugar and a quarter cup brown sugar ..toss in 2 table spoons of cinnamon or to your liking and a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
Stovetop Simmer down to where apples are cooked but not mush ..still need to use side of fork to cut in half if you will... then cover and take off heat... get your dough and cut into 6 .. take the 6 and flatten each a bit and spray down cooking sheet lightly with non stick .. lay them down kind of pulling the 4 edges so that you can pull them up to for a lil star cup later.
Once all are laid our take aid large spoon like soup spoon and put one n half or so spoonfuls onto the dough and fold I corners to touch aided squeeze. Once done I like to have an egg beaten and ready for the last three mins to glaze the top ..
Pop em in for 18 to 20 mins.. watch it for the burn factor take em out sprinkle with a dash of sugar or sugar crystals and let sit ..enjoy when cool enough !!

#appletart #homemade #freshfruit #sogood #loveitfresh
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