In fact there was a great turn out on Saturday to show love and encouragement to all fighting and surviving breast cancer !
We got to the event so excited to show our support for all these brave women ! My daughter made a special bracelet for a special mama friend - +Jaime Jenkins and we were eager to hug her !
We parked and put our hoods on and hurried up to the main gate where we checked in.
Walking into Knott's main gate you can see the beautiful floral display PINK and BOLD !
We made our way over to the main event and as we walked into the ballroom there was PINK everywhere !
It was such a humbling sight to see these brave courageous and strong women with their family and friends rallying together for this FIGHT !
So cool to be greeted by the Peanuts gang in PINK ! I am so proud to say I have grown up going to Knott's.. when I was little it was Knott's the cool theme park with awesome coasters. Now that I am grown, Knott's is not only all of that, but also a huge part of everyday peoples lives in Orange County on a LIVE WELL level .
Zoe was just as excited to see Jaime as we all were. She made her a special pink bracelet with a charm that says "Faith" and (okay here comes the crazy Greek in her) put one single blue bead with little silver in it for the evil eye.. yes that is what you read... the evil eye ... you know to ward off the negative ! I know Jaime liked it and so did Zoe cause the rest of the day she kept telling me... "Mama she was so happy when I gave it to her it makes me happy too"
Thanks to Knott's we ate breakfast and were privileged to hear from some of the main people that make all of this possible !
I was so shocked to learn that there are so many Latina women that go unscreened and get diagnosed later or not at all. The amazing efforts of Komen OC and Knott's to educate, raise money and BE out in the local community is amazing !
Jaime also spoke to all of us and for me spoke directly to my heart. I am well aware of cancer. We have had to see that crappy disease take a few people in my family as well as attack my nephew in the womb. When she stood up there and shared how a year ago she was at the same event cheering on women fighting and was cancer free and two weeks later found lumps... I just looked at her with so much praise and love. I wanted to tell her how we pray for her daily and how as another mother I have been humbled by her story .
Zoe told me before we left the house.. "mama she is a mama too and that means that it could be you or someone else too right..?" and for a moment I hesitated to answer the truth but I have always told her the truth, so I swallowed that lump in my throat and looked at her and said "YES baby girl YES, it could be me, your dad, anyone of us at any time". My little girls eyes filled with tears and said miracles can happen we know that so lets just ask God.
Wise words for a 7yo... so when Jaime was done I felt a sense of calm in my heart... calm because she is a beautiful warrior on a mission! She knows what she's up against and while fighting it she smiles and keeps it real not only for herself but for those that care about her and are supporting her journey !
It was still raining outside but for a moment the rain just stopped and we were told that all these amazing women that are survivors and or fighting were going to take a ride on Jauguar ! So cool !
I was able to ride with these inspirational women - the chills took over as I once again saw how powerful people united can be... for a cause... for anything ! I saw all smiles and cheers as we screamed by on that coaster ! These women have or ARE fighting the fight of their lives !
Photo Credit - OC Register
As I walked off that ride I felt blessed.
The rest of the day was spent enjoying Knott's just a bit more than the usual... with my family close and around so many PINK supporters. One of the most memorable "Cause" events I have been to.
Knott's has always been a great place for family fun year round. I have a soft spot for this theme park ever since my parents brought us here back in the 80's and continued to do so for years. I now celebrate with my own family there too.
BUT - It is beyond priceless when a place that makes so many people happy inside it's walls, reaches out to the community outside, the community that in return supports them !
BUT - It is beyond priceless when a place that makes so many people happy inside it's walls, reaches out to the community outside, the community that in return supports them !
Did you know that...
* Knott's raised nealry $100K last year their 1st year doing this event !
* NOW until March 27th Knott's Pink event will be running in full swing !
* "Pink Tickets" and Pink merchandise will be sold and will benefit Komen OC !
* Cost for a "Pink Ticket" is $39 for adults and $35 for children !
At this price and knowing that a portion of your "Pink Ticket" will be donated to Komen OC to help local women get screened, help and any assistance they may need... It's a WIN WIN !
You can find out more information on how to help support Komen OC HERE
Get all the details on Knott's Pink tickets and more HERE
Read more about our friend Jaime's inspirational testimony on her blog HERE
I adore Jaime.. she is ONE IN A MILLION and were the lucky ones to know a true gem like her !
Thanks Jaime for making my daughter smile with your kind words ! We cant wait to see you and your family again !
I feel so honored to have been part of this event. Thank you +Knott's Berry Farm for the invite and for all the efforts Knott's puts forth in the local community. Thank you to Komen OC for just doing what you do to help so many women yearly !
Be grateful for what you have and who you are - be kind to others cause you never know what they have on their plate - positive out and positive in !
#KnottsBerryFarm #KnottsPink #KomenOC #ForTheCure #CancerSucks #JaimeJenkins +Knott's Berry Farm +The 3-Day #PinkTicket #CedarFair #KnottsFamilyFun #OCFun #FightCancer #TeamJaime #CancerAwareness #BreastCancer #GetScreened #KnottsRocks #GiveBackOC #OC #SoCal
*We were invited to attend the Komen OC/Knott's event. All opinions are my own. Thank you Jaime, Knott's and KomenOC !*
What a blessing your family is to me! That k you for your support and all the prayers!