Monday, April 3, 2017

5 Reasons We Love Tanaka Farms Cookout Tour

This morning we had the opportunity to head out on a Cookout Tour with some friends at Tanaka Farms!

We love all their tours but thus was our first time doing the Cookout tour. We are super fans and loved it the whole way through!

Here are our 5 favs and reasons why we loved the tour & will be back! * It's Fun! We loved being out on the farm. Fresh air, fresh veggies and a basket to full up!

* Educational - We were taught how to pick the veggies to make sure we didn't damage vines or cut ourselves short in the dirt.

* Farm to Table - Literally picking your food and having to wash it, clean it, cut it, season it and then turn it over to be steamed on the grill...well that experience made the goodies taste that much sweeter to eat.


* Plenty to Eat and Bring home - Hot tip... there is so much to full your basket with that there is plenty to eat and take home.

Set some aside and don't forget to bring a bag to take half your fresh veggies home I'd you'd like. They serve chicken too so there's plenty for your belly. The BBQ is delish.

* Walking - it was different to walk the farm as opposed to the tractor tours we've been on before. I liked it! It's different and a great experience to walk the rows of the veggies and learn how to properly pick them not just eat and enjoy them. There's a lot of hard work that goes into planting, harvesting, cleaning the farm to table eats.

Hot Tip - Be sure to wear shoes that are walkable on farm land. Tennis shoes, boots, covered toes and not flip flops.


The Cookout Tours are held from March thru August and are totally worth giving it a try. We can not wait to return for another tour.

Before we left we stocked up on some fresh Kale, greens, salsa, swish chard and strawberries... everything is always so fresh and amazingly tasty.

If you take a tour you can use your tour sticker to redeem for $2 off of $10 or more or turn it in for a reusable tote!

We love Tanaka Farms...get all the deets on this tour and more on line here.

Hope you get a change to head out to Tanaka Farms soon!


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